LOGY as an organization 

Finnish Association of Purchasing and Logistics LOGY is a not-for-profit association. Its board consists of the chair and 10-15 members of the board. The term of office for members is three years. New members are elected at the autumn meeting to replace those whose turn it is to resign. 

The term of office for the chair is two years, and the maximum number of consecutive terms of office is two. The duties of the board include guiding and developing the association’s operation and finances in accordance with the regulations and the decisions made in the association’s meetings as well as preparing and making initiatives on matters that are relevant to the national economy. 

Regional activities – network and influence in your region 

LOGY has 12 regional divisions with a wide range of activities for all members. Each region has its own independent management team, which

  • defines the region’s policies in the operational and financial plan in line with the mission and vision of LOGY as a whole; 
  • organizes networking and learning activities in their own region; 
  • maintains contacts with local stakeholders and educational institutions; and
  • recognises and rewards regionally active and significant procurement and logistics professionals, companies, and organizations. 

Regional activities provide an excellent setting for getting to know other procurement and logistics professionals operating in the area and keeping up to date with the development of the local business field. The regions organize company visits, webinars and live events, trade fair trips, and other more informal networking events.

Please note that you can expand your horizons and take part in events outside your own region! 

Do you want to join your regional management team? Read more >

Forums – professional development and networking 

LOGY offers four forums: Procurement , Transport, SCM and Intralogistics with management teams of their own.  

These forums for corporate and organizational members: 

  • provide an objective framework for cooperation and networking 
  • develop expertise and professional skills, thereby contributing to the competitiveness of companies
  • function as strong influencers in procurement and logistics in Finland in their regions 
  • provide targeted member services.

Each forum organizes corporate member events within its own focus, such as webinars, round tables, club nights, lectures, and company visits. The forums invite experts from both business and research to discuss current issues, future trends, and even tacit signals from around the world.

The events are open to all professionals of member companies who have submitted their information to LOGY’s member register. 

Awards committee 

The task of the Awards Committee is to decide on the recipients of incentive grants, awards, and recognitions awarded by LOGY, excluding the regional recognitions granted by LOGY regions. In addition, the committee is responsible for reading and evaluating theses nominated for an award and chooses the recipients of the awards and scholarships. The Awards Committee also supports the LOGY office and board in decision-making regarding granting awards. 

General meetings 

The association has two official, statutory meetings annually: the spring meeting and the autumn meeting. The spring meeting discusses the board’s annual report and financial statement. The autumn meeting decides on membership fees, discusses the board’s plan of operation and budget as well as chooses the chair and new board members to replace those whose turn it is to resign from the board. 

All members of the association are welcome to take part in the general meetings. The meeting invitations are sent at least two weeks prior the meeting. 

The Finnish Foundation of Logistics Research (LTES) 

The purpose of The Finnish Foundation of Logistics Research (LTES, official Finnish name: Logistiikan Tutkimuksen edistämissäätiön) is to promote research and education supporting the practice of procurement and purchasing as well as logistics activities taking place primarily in Finland.