LOGY - Connecting professionals 

LOGY is Finland’s largest network of experts in logistics and purchasing. It supplies its members with the newest information, most useful tips, and most valuable contacts in the field. 

We want to enhance the awareness and significance of purchasing and logistics operating field as a key profit factor in business. We offer a comprehensive selection of member events on the different areas of purchasing and logistics as well as trainings, seminars, and other events that are open for all.  

Additionally, we publish the Osto&Logistiikka trade magazine, which appears 6 times a year. You can also make use of the LOGY network and market to the right audience through our media. 

Strength from international connections 

In addition to national connections, LOGY has vast international connections.

We collaborate with the sister organizations in Germany, Estonia, and the Nordic countries.

We also actively participate in the activities of other associations, such as those of IFPSM (International Federation of Purchasing and Supply Chain Management), ELA (European Logistics Association), and CSCMP (Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals).