France: ID Logistics and STEF heads call for State to preserve CICE tax credit


France: ID Logistics and STEF heads call for State to preserve CICE tax credit
Le Figaro, 07 Nov 2016, online:-
The heads of French logistics companies ID Logistics and STEF, Eric Hémar and Francis Lemor, have called for the future government to keep the competitiveness and employment tax credit (CICE) and have voiced their fears that the transformation of the credit via a decrease in social security promised by the State will lead to a drop in aid given to firms. President François Hollande announced his intention to carry out this transformation after 2017, but did not state a specific time frame. In a letter that will be sent to presidential election candidates, the two executives have pleaded for the continuance of the CICE so that companies are given the opportunity to continue to grow, invest and create jobs.
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