Conference Themes and Topics

We welcome submissions addressing a wide range of topics related to sustainability, renewable energy, and digital collaboration in logistics and supply chain management, including but not limited to:

1. Sustainable Supply Chain Strategies and Practices:

  • Innovative approaches and models for enhancing sustainability in supply chains.
  • Sustainable Supply Chain Strategies and Practices in Electric Vehicle Supply Chain Management

2 Integration of Renewable Energy in Logistics and Transportation

  • Strategies for incorporating renewable energy sources to reduce environmental impact.
  • Integration of Renewable Energy in Logistics and Transportation for Electric Vehicle Supply Chain Management

3 Green Logistics and Energy-Efficient Solutions:

  • Practices and technologies aimed at improving energy efficiency and reducing carbon footprints.
  • Technological Innovations Driving the Electric Vehicle Revolution and Green Logistics with Energy-Efficient Solutions

4 Circular Economy and Reverse Logistics:

  • Approaches to designing and managing circular supply chains and reverse logistics processes.
  • Circular Economy and Reverse Logistics in Electric Vehicle Supply Chain Management

5 Digital Transformation and Smart Technologies in Supply Chains:

  • The role of digitalization in enhancing supply chain visibility, efficiency, and resilience.
  • Technological Innovations in EV Supply Chain Management

6 Collaborative Supply Chain Networks:

  • Models and case studies on the benefits and challenges of collaborative supply chains.
  • Partnerships and Collaboration for a Sustainable EV Ecosystem through Collaborative Supply Chain Networks

7 Policy and Regulation Impacts on Sustainable Logistics:

  • Analysis of how policies and regulations affect sustainable logistics practices.
  • Governmental Policies and Incentives: Fueling the Shift to EVs and its impact on Sustainable Logistics

8 Case Studies and Best Practices in Sustainable Supply Chain Management:

  • Real-world examples of successful sustainability initiatives in supply chains.
  • Challenges in EV Battery Technology and Material Sourcing
  • The Geopolitics of EV Supply Chains

9 Cross-Sector Collaboration and Partnerships:

  • Exploring partnerships across different sectors to achieve sustainability goals.
  • Consumer Trends and the Demand for Electric Vehicles
  • Building the Infrastructure: EV Charging Networks and Logistics

10 Ethical Considerations in Supply Chain Sustainability:

  • Addressing ethical issues and promoting corporate social responsibility in supply chains.
  • Future Directions: The Next Frontier in Electric Mobility